Minimum Auto Insurance Requirements in the State of Washington


Automobile insurance, in the state of Washington, is mandatory in order to register and drive a vehicle. As with most other states, the state of Washington has auto insurance minimums that must be met in order for a policy to qualify as proper coverage.

Proving Financial Responsibility in Washington

All drivers who wish to register a motor vehicle in Washington must prove financial responsibility, or their ability to pay for damages they might cause in an accident. Drivers can prove financial responsibility by providing the DMV with a certificate of deposit, providing proof of a liability bond, proving self insurance for a fleet of 26 vehicles or more, or simply purchasing an insurance liability policy. Most drivers choose to purchase a liability insurance policy.

Minimum Coverage Requirements in Washington

The state of Washington auto insurance minimums aren't very different from the minimums required by other states. You are required to carry bodily injury liability and property damage liability coverage in order to pay for medical bills or damages you cause to a third party. The minimum bodily injury liability limit you must have is $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. The minimum property damage liability limit you must have is $10,000.

Exceptions to the Rule

There are a few exceptions to Washington's insurance laws. If you have an antique vehicle, collector's vehicle, publicly owned vehicle (government owned), motorcycle, motor scooter, or moped you are not required to purchase auto insurance. You are, however, still held financially liable for your actions and must pay for any damages you cause while driving one of these vehicles.

With that in mind, it is safe to say that just because the state of Washington auto insurance minimums doesn't include these vehicles doesn't mean you should not insure them. The cost of insurance is likely to be far less than paying the damages should you cause an accident.

Are you ready to search for auto insurance in the state of Washington? Use our site to enter your vehicle details and we'll do all the work for you. We'll collect quotes from several carriers approved to provide insurance in Washington state, help you compare the coverage options, and even help you bind coverage if you make a final decision. You deserve the best coverage possible, no matter what minimums your state requires!

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