With the huge competition among insurance companies these days, chances are you might be overpaying for your auto coverage right at this moment. Auto insurance comparison is, slowly but steadily, becoming an absolute must for budget-conscious shoppers.
The online car insurance market is seeing an increasing competition. Services offered by car insurance comparison websites are gaining a huge popularity and are a great alternative to the traditional cold calling. You no longer have to build a list of insurance carriers, look them up in Yellow Pages and call each company individually. You can simply plug in your ZIP code, get a list of active insurers in your area, select a few ones that have raised your interest, fill out an application form and -- pow! -- you get the quotes that you can compare head to head.
So does it pay to remain with the same car insurance company for longer periods of time? Chances are that you will always find another company that is going to offer you a better quote. There are some facts, though, that you will need to keep into account when deciding to move to another company for the sake of a few dollars saved:
When does it pay to switch providers then? Here are two scenarios: